Message from the President
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope and pray you all have a wonderful season filled with family, friends and holiday spirit. We have had a very busy time this past month making toys, building floats, and participating in toy give aways and parades. A very busy month!
A few of your fellow club members facilitated a toy making event for the West Coast University Staff Community Service fulfillment at Flabob Airport. For four hours we were working together to sand and assemble over 400 toys that were included in the toy distribution event the very next day. So delighted to work with WCU’s wonderful staff. A great big thank you to Flabob Airport for hosting the event.
We also participated in Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center’s (JMDC) 60th Anniversary Gala. Sone of your club members hosted a Toy Make-and-Take assembly activity where kids and parents could make 2 toys; one to take home and one to donate. They made nearly 200 toys for 2025’s toy drive.
I’d like to thank and acknowledge our suppliers for donating to this event: Fontana Foundation of Hope donated money to buy the wheels, axles and some of the wood; SurfPrep Sanding donated sanding pads, Franklin International donated Titebond glue; Ganahl Lumber donated wood. This event would not have been possible without their generous donations. Thanks to all of them.
We had a very successful toy distribution event. You made more than 4400 toys this year thanks to your dedication, love for our communities, and the children. You should be very proud of your rewarding efforts. We have some toy giveaway events coming up and you can participate. Reach out if you would like to join me and other club members and pass out the toys we’ve donated directly to the kids.
We were participants in the Jurupa Valley Salute to the Veterans Celebration. We entered our Float, “Thank You Veterans” filled with club member veterans and towed by Ken Thomas’ antique tractor. We also entered our “golfcart” in the parade down Mission Blvd in Rubidoux and again down the flightline at Flabob Airport. Culminating in a day long celebration at the Airport. A fantastic time was had by all. I wish more of you could’ve came out to join us there. There were so many things going on at Flabob Airport it would take too long to describe them all. Flabob did a bang-up job.
We have several more parades coming up in December. The Fontana Christmas Parade on the 14th; and the Jurupa Valley Adopt-a-Family’s Santa Express Parades on the 7th, 8th and, 14th and 15th. Let me know if you want to participate in any way.
Club Business
The Inland Woodworkers received its 501(C)3 status. Additional club business is now listed on the Inland Woodworkers website in the Members area.
New Members
The club welcomed new member Michael Whitehurst, who is a long time woodworker, currently residing in Moreno Valley.
Show & Tell
Tom Householder shared a few scroll saw projects he has in the works, including a bow tie and a Chrismas ornament. Tom is also making phonographic 45 RPM record inserts (anyone remember those?) as earrings!

Upcoming Events
Machado Family Giving
December 7 11am – 3pm
Jurupa Valley Operations Center
Another Way
December 11, 2024 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Toy Drive give-away
Another Way is a San Bernardino charity that assists handicapped children, affiliated with the Inland Regional Center. They are assisting us with completing grant opportunity forms. More details to follow.
Fontana Christmas Parade
December 14
Starts at Sierra and Arrow. The club float will be traveling in the parade.
Details to follow
CNC January Training
Saturday, January 4, 2025, 10:00a.m. at Kenneth Thomas’s shop
IWA January Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 6:00p.m. at Sundowner’s Restaurant.