Happy new year! It is 2024, which means a new year of training, learning, and project making. Today’s topic was Managing Tool Databases, and it included adding, deleting, and creating new bit profiles in Vectric. There were several tip-sharing discussions about setting path depth (for example, use ½ the bit diameter), adjusting speeds and feeds based on the capabilities of your machine, and flattening spoiler boards. We also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the different router bit styles (upcut, down cut, and compression), and how each style impacted the cutter’s performance on the top/bottom surfaces and edges of the cut.
There were 11 attendees today; Rick Reimer was the trainer.

Show & Tell
John Kimbro shared the clock mechanism he was building.

Matt Martel shared a plaque that he was working on, and several discussions ensued!

Rick DuVall discussed his recent CNC machine purchase, and showed off one of the first projects. Fortunately, it came out really well, restoring peace and harmony to the DuVall household!

Inland Woodworkers would like to thank the Rockler Ontario store for their ongoing support.