Members of the Inland Woodworkers gathered at Kenneth Thomas’s house on September 14, 2024 to commence the building of the IW parade float. The team worked diligently to prepare benches and build the outer frame.
Rick and Brett working on the tailgate:

Roberto sanding everything smooth:

John & Carol working on the rails, while Roberto sands:

Susan working on the frame:

Ken leading the efforts:

Ron and John working on the benches:

Special thanks to today’s working crew. From left to right: Ron Chappell, club secretary Michael Miller, Brett Nissley, Roberto Camino, Rick Reimer, Kenneth Thomas (and his rapidly growing assistant!), Susan Shekels, Bonnie & John Hogancamp, and John & Carol Young.

Progress was definitely made: the frame is now complete and ready for painting (session 2):

And the tailgate is built and installed.

The benches were assembled and will be ready for installation next week.