5 questions with John Hogencamp

How did you get into Woodworking?

My father had made some furniture for the family when I was in high school and I always enjoyed working with him.  I bought my first table saw and jointer in 1997 and build some furniture for my family.  I still make some furniture; but my main woodworking is in making crafts and selling at craft shows.

What is your favorite tool?

Any power tool.  My table saw, jointer and planer are the main machines I start every project with.

Who has influenced you the most in woodworking?

It would have to be my father.  I followed him around helping him on any project he was working on when I was a kid. 

What has been your biggest stumbling block?

Not having enough time to work out in the shop.

How has the internet influenced your work?

Crag’s list has been a great source for finding used machinery.  I also do a lot of research on line in sites like lumber jocks or by simplify typing in a question.  I also watch you tube on different techniques.  The internet is how I locate the craft show that I attend.  

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