Presidents Message April 2019

Each year the Inland Woodworkers Association holds its annual election of officers. This year, like most years, we are wanting for nominations or volunteers to fill in for vacant positions.  Officers are a critical to the existence of the association, and to put it bluntly, without their time and effort, we would not have this association at all.

Demonstrations, classes, and presentations by vendors take time to set up, and usually require more than one-person to make them happen.  Ideas for demonstrations are great, but these demos do not happen all by themselves. It takes time, and there are a few of us willing to put in that extra time, but we are asking for a couple hours a month from some of you to help distribute this workload.

Inland Woodworkers is designed as a place where participants come to exchange ideas, learn new methods and skills, and to meet like interested people who share the same passion for making sawdust.   In the last year, our membership has grown; we have brought in new presentations, and scheduled informative demonstrations, all in an effort to make the art of woodworking better and more enjoyable for us all.  All I am asking for is a couple hours a month for you to nominate someone or volunteer as officers to help us keep this worthwhile association going strong.

One thought on “Presidents Message April 2019

  1. A request……For the past umteen years, like 10 or so, I’ve have been the main person to bring and set up the refreshments, ie cookies, coffee, tea. I have done this ever since Floyd and Jackie deaths. As Jackie quit doing them when Floyd died. (and then Jackie died) Anyway, I am tired of doing them! And feeling that the only way to get out of them is to die too! Since I’m not ready to go to that extent, then my suggestion is that to make the request for someone else to take over this responsibility. So maybe you could bring this up at tonight’s meeting. Thank You, Shirl Fouts.

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